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Boston Melts is a UK based online business which primarily provides customers with a variety of different melting waxes to be used as a base to create DIY candles. 


I was commissioned to help create a logo for Boston Melts which was simple in design but also portrayed what the business provided. The audience of Boston Melts consisted mainly of women aged 23 - 40 and because of this I was asked to incorporate a more "feminine" colour palette and an overall "softer" look.

For the logo mark I started by combining the "B" from the business name and the flame of a candle to represent the type of products Boston Melts would be providing, I also shaped the flame of the candle to represent the "M" in the second part of the businesses name to make the logo mark more unique and identifiable. I also chose to round the corners of the logo mark and type to give the logo an overall softer aesthetic.

Client: Boston Melts

Location: Leeds, UK

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